Maxi washing machine

The Maxi F.lli Ferri washing machine is built entirely in stainless steel designed and engineered for use with low water consumption and with a robustness deriving from the quality of the materials and the thickness of the sheets. This washing machine allows you to work large hourly capacities and is designed to wash the olives keeping them intact when they come out after washing. The system also provides for the separation from mud and from foreign bodies such as stones and metals, and their automatic expulsion by means of two augers. There is a water drainage system to prevent water from coming out with the olives and also a system for separating the leaves that could arrive together with the olives.



The Maxi F.lli Ferri washing machine is built entirely in stainless steel designed and engineered for use with low water consumption and with a robustness deriving from the quality of the materials and the thickness of the sheets. This washing machine allows you to work large hourly capacities and is designed to wash the olives keeping them intact when they come out after washing. The system also provides for the separation from mud and from foreign bodies such as stones and metals, and their automatic expulsion by means of two augers. There is a water drainage system to prevent water from coming out with the olives and also a system for separating the leaves that could arrive together with the olives.

The following are the construction features:
• Stainless steel water tank with a capacity of about 30ql
• Stainless steel olive receiving tank with water recirculation operation with the tank below
• Solenoid valve for water filling
• Pump for water recirculation
• Blower to generate a bubble effect inside the olive receiving tank
• Sludge expulsion screw
• Screws for expelling stones and metals
• Leaf expulsion screw
• Vibrating screen for cleaning and draining the olives
• Shower for final washing
• Electrical panel on the machine with Siemens components
• Installed power 9Kw
• Made in Italy gearboxes
• High energy efficiency IE3 motors